Amazing Story of How Rob Saved the Alligator from his 2011 Vanity Fair Photoshoot


“Just thought I would share the rest of the story with you all… Well, we all know this picture right? I was visiting Insta-gator in Louisiana last weekend with some fellow twilighters and happened to spot it on the wall. I raced over to it and, although the pic doesn’t show it clearly, the paper above the pic says that the alligator, appropriately named, Hollywood, lives at the ranch and that if you ask the tour guide, you can meet him!!!! I immediately went into stealth mode knocking people over trying to find the guide because anything that touched Rob, I MUST TOUCH! Anyway, finally found the guide, who we had nicknamed Marshmallow Man, because he fed the gators marshmallows and because he was hot, and he acted like he didn’t know what I was talking about, all braun, no brains, I guess. He told us to go ask the short, red-headed guy. So I did, and do you know what he told me? He said, “Hollywood’s not here anymore. Rob paid to have him released back into the wild. It’s the only time we’ve ever done that.” Needless to say, tears started to form, not because I didn’t get to meet the gator, but because our Rob is that sweet! I cried and love him even more if that’s possible! And that my friends, is the rest of the story.”


Kristen on the Cover of V Magazine & Interview


Kristen Stewart is nothing short of gracious. Upon walking into this interview a few minutes behind schedule, she proffers a hug and an offer to “stay until you get everything you need.” There are no publicists, handlers, ringleaders, or beefcake bodyguards hanging around, and she is dressed in 7 for All Mankind jeans and Converse kicks. For the world’s highest-earning actress—last year she dethroned Sarah Jessica Parker and Angelina Jolie at the top of the Forbes list, to the tune of $34.5 million—the lack of pretense is really quite remarkable…not that this is her favorite part of the job. “I really love people,” she says as she hops into a chair and folds her tiny frame like origami. “You can’t not as an actor. It’s just strange meeting someone and going, Okay, you start at square one and I will try and make up for what you already think you know about me.”

The 10,000-pound gorilla in the room is of course that people—present company included—think they know a lot: how much she earns, whom she dates, and even more intimate details. Since her Twilight reign began, digging into Stewart’s personal life has become a bit of a blood sport. (To wit, a gossip rag recently splashed a photo of her with presumed boyfriend Robert Pattinson and announced that she’s pregnant. She’s not.) The Star Wars-esque emotional force field that she instinctually activates for self-preservation is palpable. In this instance, her armor is enhanced by pulled-back hair, glasses, and an oversize bomber jacket that serves as a kind of cocoon. There’s a slightly feral air to her presence—she’s jumpy and prone to pacing—but all the anxiety is kind of endearing. She’s young and excitable, and having weathered the highs and lows of 2012, she claims to feel stronger than ever before.

“I have realized that you can close yourself off to life if you put walls up, but it’s a difficult thing,” she says. “You can’t see over, people can’t see in, and you also can’t see out. So I’ve gotten quite comfortable with just being unafraid. I keep saying the same thing: it’s not about being fearless but really just embracing the fears and using them.”

It’s of little surprise then that she describes her latest project—the indie adaptation of On the Road—as “a fucking amazing experience.” Jack Kerouac’s seminal novel as seen through the lens of director Walter Salles features Stewart as the shy and somewhat guileless 16-year-old bride Marylou. Her husband, Dean Moriarty (brilliantly portrayed by Garrett Hedlund), takes her on a wild ride as they crisscross the country, living to the fullest and then some. The sparkling cast also includes Sam Riley, as Sal; Tom Sturridge, as Carlo; and Kirsten Dunst, as Camille. Amy Adams, Viggo Mortensen, Steve Buscemi, and Terrance Howard make stellar cameos.

“I would have done anything, I would have played any part,” says Stewart. “Marylou is remarkable because she’s got a tough core. When you’re a teenager, a year can be crippling to maneuver through. You’re just out there questioning things, and so to be completely okay with that and not think that there’s anything wrong with you, that’s something I’ve recently understood. I’m 22. Marylou started this whole thing when she was 15.”

When it comes to the Beat Generation’s radical ideology of choosing the life you want to live versus succumbing to bourgeois expectations, Marylou is the perfect pilgrim. She expertly rolls and smokes joints, dances as if possessed by a divine spirit, carouses late into the night, and engages in threesomes with her beloved and his best friend, even efficiently issuing synchronized hand jobs while driving cross-country. But to hear Stewart tell it, the part is only slightly more provocative than some of her previous roles.

“It’s a pretty fucking odd thing to want to pretend to be another person,” she says, “and then have a lot of other people who watch you do that. You have this experience of reading something, and if you don’t bring it to life, you’re basically deleting it. Every day of shooting you’re depriving the world of having that. The responsibility is amazing.

“Until you really get to know the woman behind the character, it’s difficult to connect the dots,” she continues. “I’m a contemporary, sensitive, normal girl, and it’s difficult to try and empathize with someone who seems to have a lack of empathy. She seems a bit callous in the book. She’s literally the farthest…I have never encountered a person that had their nerves so fucking close to the surface.”

Any freshman psych student could draw parallels between the fictional Marylou’s demeanor and Stewart’s protective façade. Delicate and darling, the two of them are also tough as hell. But whether the actress realizes it or not, her defensive posture only makes her more beguiling, by revealing how susceptible she is underneath it all. “Oh, I could have worked with her all week, or done a movie with her,” says Inez van Lamsweerde, who with her partner, Vinoodh Matadin, photographed Stewart for this cover story a short while after compromising photos of the actress had surfaced. “We worked with her for a Gap campaign in 2006, and even back then she was extremely intelligent and questioned everything. You could say anything to her and she would respond in a wonderful way. She is that delicate blend of masculine and vulnerable. She is unbelievably beautiful, not just on the outside but also in her being. She gets right in, there is no in between.”

The admiration is mutual. “When you find yourself with people like that, you can really thrive,” says Stewart of Inez and Vinoodh. “It was fun. I would follow them wherever they wanted to go. I had a really good time that day, I was kind of shocked by that.”

Photo shoots and fashion in general have become an increasingly important part of Stewart’s evolution. Together with longtime stylist Tara Swennen, she concocts looks that consistently become much-ballyhooed fodder for the style blogs. Former Balenciaga creative director Nicolas Ghesquière, who hired Stewart to be the face of his Florabotanica fragrance, says that “she is never scared of strong fashion choices, which is very exceptional for an actress. For me she is a true heroine. The fact that we had the opportunity to work on an artistic adventure together is fantastic.”

Fashion, of course, is a huge component of moviemaking, an art to which Stewart was drawn from a young age. She grew up on sets; her parents, Jules and John, still work as a script supervisor and stage manager, respectively. (“I started doing the job because I wanted adults to talk to me,” says Stewart. “I wanted to be on set in a different way than just hanging around.”) After starring in bit parts in film and television, she landed the role of Jodie Foster’s daughter in Panic Room. The Oscar-winner was impressed by the chutzpah and dedication of her younger costar, and has remained a fairy godmother of sorts as she learns to navigate the topsy-turvy world of Tinseltown. Stewart was even handpicked to announce that Foster would receive the Cecil B. DeMille award at this year’s Golden Globes.

On the Road is perhaps the perfect segue to the new challenges on which Stewart is about to embark. There are rumors of a Snow White sequel, but with the Twilight chapter closed, one surmises she is ready to start anew, and she is clearly bracing herself for the next thing—in this case a comedy called Focus, in which she plays a young vixen who catches the eye of a veteran grifter. “The script is really fun and I love the writers and directors, Glenn Ficarra and John Requa,” she says.

Stewart has never conquered the Great White Way, but she’d be up for it. (“Theater is a completely different way of working, but, yeah, I would be very much down.”) She also tosses out the idea of being part of an ensemble cast that would ideally include fellow actresses whose work she greatly admires. (How many starlets do you hear saying that these days?)“There are so many cool girls out there!” she says, name-checking Jennifer Lawrence, Amy Adams, and her best friend, Dakota Fanning.

“I am not closed off to anything right now,” she says, smiling. “That is what I was saying about not having any more walls up. I don’t want to deprive myself of any bit of life.” By the end of our conversation, Stewart is a bit more relaxed—hair down, glasses off, bomber jacket removed—and cracking jokes aplenty. That nervousness she was experiencing before has apparently been channeled. Like a true Beatnik, she is embracing life as it comes.


Nicolas Ghesquière Talks About Kristen in Le Figaro – France



Finally, there is Kristen, heroine of this new olfactory opus. After Charlotte Gainsbourg, national treasure, one wonders about the Atlanticist choices. We had read a few years ago, a great interview with Guesquière by Tom Ford where the creator, leader of the new French department, took his distances with his origins saying that he was finding an inspiration and a strong dialogue with the Americans.

“Charismatic ambassador”

“I live in France and I am very attached to our heritage, cut short the designer. But I love borrowing things from other cultures, explore new territories. Regarding Kristen, though american, she does not match the pictures that we can make. her nationality did not determine my choice. I remember the first time I saw her in Panic Room, where at the age of twelve, she burst on the screen. later, during a photo shoot with Bruce weber for Interview magazine, I was curious to see what she had become. We shot in the former residence of Warhol in Montauk. She was already a young girl: I had a real aesthetic shock.”

On the red carpet, before the contract for the perfume, the actress is considered one of the most charismatic ambassadors of Balenciaga. “But I did not consider the size of Kristen. It’s amazing what she generates, the fascination she exerts on her generation.”


New Rob and Kristen Interview with The Philippine Star

How do you feel now that the Twilight Saga has ended, sad or relieved?

Kristen: (Heaving a big sigh) Well, for five entire years I had the same moments tapping me on the shoulder and telling me that, you know, I was not free to think of anything else but Bella Swan. Usually, we did that over a five-month period and so at the end of five years I’m…hmmmm, I wouldn’t say “relieved” because it’s slightly misleading because I don’t want people to think that I want it to be over. But I do believe that five years is a long enough time to live in that fantasy world, so it’s nice to walk away at this point.

Robert: I’m not sure if I should feel sad about it but it definitely feels strange. Once you play the character a few times, it really does become like second skin to you and when it’s done, you do miss it. I mean, not yet but I know that one day, in a few years time, I will see one of these movies on TV and I guess I will feel strange.

You were 17 when you shot for the first Twilight movie in 2008. How has the Saga changed you?

Kristen: It’s hard to credit one experience with a particular change in you. I started when I was 17 and I am 22 now, and it’s impossible to actually mark the changes in my life during the past five years.

Robert: I was 21 when I did the first Twilight movie and I am 26 now. Well, I’m kind of braver now; I feel that I can go a little farther. It excites me what I’m gonna do next.

What are your fondest memories about the Saga and what’s the best lesson that you learned from it?

Kristen: I guess I became a little bit more comfortable living. When you’re younger, you look to the future and you feel like, “God, am I gonna feel always a little bit unsure? Am I always going not knowing exactly what the outcome of this journey is?” I don’t think Twilight gave that feeling to me but I’m sure that it just put things on a little bit escalated scale.

Robert: Oh yes, I remember my audition. I think I sent a tape from England and then I was asked to come to L.A. I felt that I was so weird in the audition and I was sure that I wouldn’t get the part. I called up my parents and told them that I didn’t want to act anymore.

How was the audition with Kristen?

Robert: No, I didn’t know. I was barely prepared. I took half of Valium before doing it. Kristen and I were told to do four scenes, one of them the first key scenes when our characters first met each other and when they kissed. I was pretty nervous all throughout so I couldn’t believe it when I was told four days later that the audition went well. I said, “Thanks to the Valium!”

Isn’t it weird and surreal that so many people love you or they hate you even if they haven’t met you?

Kristen: I think you should be a little more concerned about how you feel about yourself rather than how people feel about you. Yeah, it’s weird, super-weird! Let’s be honest, it’s fun to disregard people who don’t like you and it’s even more fun to find people who are your fans with whom you have a lot in common; there’s something that attracts them to you, and vice-versa.

You did a lot of running in the Saga and you look pretty athletic and sporty. How do you maintain your kind of body?

Kristen: (Breaking into smile) I don’t work out regularly. (And laughs!) Hmmm, I love stunt work that’s why I’m constantly hurting myself because I’m constantly throwing myself at things. Sometimes, I would tease myself, “Kristen, you’re not actually a vampire, you know!” You see some actresses…and I’m not thinking anyone in particular…you know, “You spend half of your life working on your body…!” No, I’m not like that kind of actress. I don’t do that.

What are your favorite scenes in the Saga?

Kristen: I have a lot of favorite scenes but to pick one…no! If you ask me what moments in the Saga surprised me, my answer would be very obvious; it’s the milestones, such as in the first movie (Twilight) it’s the first kiss and the last kiss, there’s the wedding scene and the giving-birth scene. There are just so many for me to name just one.

Robert: It’s definitely the last scene in the first movie where Bella and Edward are dancing. I always remember that scene.

What about the wedding scene? What was on your mind when you were doing that scene?

Robert: Oh that scene. I was kind of thinking how little involvement the groom has because everyone is looking at the bride and the groom is just kind of standing at the other end. It was fun, though. It was very beautiful!

Any role that you look forward to doing which is different from the Twilight genre?

Kristen: I haven’t found the next project yet. (She has just finished shooting On The Road. — RFL) I can’t be specific about what I want to do until it’s in front of me. Every one project doesn’t relate to the last or the one following it. Each project is different from the others. My expectation of myself is that I feel challenged when I’m pushed by the people that I’m working with, and if I could find those people I would be very happy.

Is there any chance for you and Kristen to do another movie together, not part of the Twilight Saga?

Robert: Oh yeah, I’d love to. It’s pretty likely that we would work together again.

Your co-stars said that you’re funny on the set, contrary to what people think that you’re quiet and serious. How would you like to do comedy for a change?

Robert: (Blushing) My instincts for comedy movies are really weird, hahahaha! What roles do I want to do next? I don’t know. Maybe a horror movie. I’d like to do one that would really scare people.


Kristen’s Interview with Marie Claire Magazine – Translated

We would’ve rather interview Kristen at twilight, but it was dawn, like the movie title, which I guess had a stronger influence on the time set for us. Our date was at 5:00 AM, suite 1501 at the Four Season Hotel in Beverly Hills. Thanks to the latte on her hand, Kristen was already up and ready, but her publicist point out, “No pictures; her make up is not done.” Completely by ourselves, and with no interruptions at all (just a bodyguard on the door to prevent people from walking in), we started an interview that would’ve been great if we were vampires, so it’d last for ever.

How’s a typical day for you? From dawn to twilight?

I have a very early start everyday. My dog Bear usually wakes me up. I live a normal life, pretty much everything that a 22 year old does. If I’m not working, I read, I walk my dog. I’m going through an amazing time in my life right now. My mind is very active. I’m never bored. Even when I’m not working, my mind is full of ideas.

If you were a vampire what would you like to do with your time?

I’d take advantage of my strength and speed. I’d leave the house unnoticed.

What beauty tips did ou learn on the set of Twilight?

Just stay away from the sun (laughs).

Have you ever tasted blood? Real blood?


Sangria, then?

That, I have (laughs).

What do you have the most in common with Bella?

Bella has faith and hope. She knows what she wants and trusts people. She’s loyal.

Would you say you’re as romantic as Bella?


Would you love to live forever?


Not even if it means living forever with the person that you love?

If the person I loved was a vampire, I’d make the sacrifice for him. But if he wasn’t and he told me, “Let’s become vampires so we can live forever” I’d say, “Why don’t we just stay happy the way we are?”

What do you like the least about a man?

I think it’s just something that applies to everybody. I like people who know who they are. There’s people that are not like that. You can tell they aren’t authentic, and I call tell right away. Those people don’t even exist to me.

If you could use a superpower what would you choose?

I’d like to read minds, but only if I could turn off that power whenever I wanted. Edward reads people’s minds whenever he wants.

Does fame give people superpowers?

It gives you great access to amazing things.. You can choose to take on many different challenges. But with that it comes more responsibility.

To what point can you understand what your fans feel for you? Have you ever gone crazy for someone else?

Yes, I still can’t talk to Jenny Lewis, for example. I’m huge fan, I met her a couple of times and it was awful. I don’t even want to exist when she’s around. It had nothing to do with fame, because everything she’s done has been part of my life. It sounds weird but it sounds like I know her because of what she’s created.

You’re basically saying what your fans would say about you…

That’s right. I never think fans are crazy people, but I don’t take credit for what they feel either. Because if they were the ones writing or performing, I’d feel the same way. I really relate to my fans the most, we’re exactly the same.

Is it true that you and Robert had to move from your home because you were being chased by fans?

It’s impossible to go somewhere and not be spotted. We’ve had to change hotels that is true, but we’ve never been forced to move homes.

Do you have a technique to go out and not be spotter by fans?

It’s tricky because you can do the most weird thing to hide yourself, and they still find you. You immediately draw attention to yourself if you something like that. Call it a wig, a hat, sunglasses. Everyone suddenly wants to know who’s hiding under there.

Have you tried it at least?

I haven’t tried it because it doesn’t work. It’s embarrassing.

Rob said he would like to star in a new version of Mr and Mrs Smith with you. Would you be up for it?

They need to show me the script first. That would be funny.

Would you like to be the next Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie?

They are amazing people, and do a wonderful job, considering all they do and all they have, I would love to be like them. They’re incredible people.

If you had a daugther would you name her Renesmee?

No (laughs).

What do you feel like when you win the MTV Award for Best Kiss?

It feels good. It’s still surprising that people keep recongizing our hard work. We appreciate it.

What do you think about people who can’t tell real life from fantasy life?

Maybe there are people like that but I never pay attention to them. There’s people who will always see me as Bella, but if they’re true fans of the books and movies, then to me it’s a compliment. It doesn’t bother me at all. People ask me if I’m worried about being typecast. If people can’t see me as anything else but a character from a beloved series, then that’s cool to me.

What’s your perfect Twilight ending?

I like where Bella is at the end. She’s been through a lot. She needs to be happy and move on. Watching her have more babies would get boring.

If you could write your own story, what would you like to create?

I’m at that point in my life in which I feel like I’m going to explode. I want to feel challenged by something for the rest of my life. I like people who are 30, 40, 50 and still have that passion. Although there’s the opposite too, people who don’t work or don’t want to continue to create anything anymore, and they think that enthusiasm for life is for young people only. I hope stay the same, always looking forward and with the thirst to do more things in my life.

Kristen and Vampires:

Favorite vampire movie?

Nosferatu. It’s scary, just looking at him is scary.

Favorite Twilight scene ever?

Bella and Edward at the graduation and their wedding.

Least favorite Twilight movie?

That’s hard to answer. I’d have to say New Moon, it’s hard to admit it, and it doesn’t sound good to admit it either, but something could’ve been better.

Diva Test:

How many personal assistants do you have?

Just one.

Have you ever gotten your own gas at the station.

Of course.

Last time you made your own bed?

It’s been a while… but nobody makes the bed for me either.

Have you ever worn the same dress twice?


Do you ever take left overs from the restaurant?


Who spends the longest in front of the mirror in your family?

(thinks for a while) Yeah, me.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Fancy shoes? Not so many. Sneakers, you have no idea.

Do you wash your hair with fancy water or regular water?

Regular water.

When was the last time you went to the supermarket?

That’s not because I’m a diva, I just can’t go to a supermarket.

When was the last time you took the bus, subway or the train?

Never. That’s the truth.

When was the last time you were able to take a stroll down the streets without being bothered?

Actually that was a little while ago, in Paris. It was amazing.
