New Fan Pics of Rob in Adelaide – January 25th + Article About His Night Out


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ROBERT Pattinson looked like just another music fan as he enjoyed Adelaide’s Big Day Out at the Showgrounds on Friday.

The Hollywood star, and part-time muso, has been spotted all over town this week and was among the thousands watching The Killers, Vampire Weekend and the Red Hot Chili Peppers at the festival.

Wearing his trademark baseball cap, check shirt and dark jeans, the Twilight hunk happily posed for photos backstage with John Day and friends.

“He was very cool, very gracious and good humored … I asked him how he was enjoying Adelaide and he said he’d only been here a short time and hadn’t seen much,” John says.

Robert’s new movie, The Rover, will be shot in various locations in SA’s Flinders Ranges, but the actor admitted to not knowing much about the area.

“I asked him what he (Rob) thought of the Flinders Ranges and he wasn’t sure what or where that was, so he had a bit of a laugh about that,” John says.

Later in the evening, Robert kicked on to what is becoming his favourite Adelaide nightspot, the Grace Emily Hotel on Waymouth St, where he had a few drinks in the beer garden.

Earlier in the week, the actor – wearing shorts, a white shirt and a backpack – was seen riding a bike on his own throughAdelaide.

Confidential understands Rob was scheduled to leave Adelaide this weekend to start shooting on The Rover, with production set to begin this week.



New Rob Interview with FilmInk – Australia

Robert Pattinson looks like he doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry when FilmInk asks whether he’ll miss playing ageless vampire, Edward Culle, the role that has both defined his career and prompted the loss of any semblance of a private life that he may have once had. “I don’t know,” the actor says, scratching his famously shaggy hair. “It’s going to be weird that I’m not doing it again. I still haven’t absorbed the fact that I’m not doing it anymore.”

Weird or relieved, FilmInk asks, prompting the actor to wriggle nervously in his seat. “Umm, the last one was really hard, and kind of… long,” he laughs. “You’re doing the two-and-a-half hours of make-ip everyday, and when you do it for eight months in a row, you’re just like, ‘Never! I’m never doing this again!'”

Not that he’s ungrateful. “It’s so unlikely to even have any kind of career in the film industry,” Pattinson says. “It’s amazing to have anything… to even have five years, and to be able to live in America for a bit. Those are things that I didn’t see myself doing. And having crazy, crazy experiences…things that people wouldn’t even be able to imagine! Like having 30,000 people screaming and stuff…and you’re just standing there doing nothing! And the bad sides? I wish that this had happened twelve years ago, before camera-phones and TMZ. Then it would have been amazing! Being a successful actor, in my imagination, meant that you could have done anything in LA. If you just had the good sides of fame, it would have been unbelievable.”

It certainly sounds like he would have partied more. “Unfortunately now, actors are like the most conservative people in the world because you can’t do anything,” he smiles. “You can’t trust anyone because it all becomes part of your career.”

Embodying brooding vampire, Edward Cullen, has apparently presented little artistic challenge for the actor. “It’s definitely hard to come up with something, mainly because you have to do five movies with the same character, and it’s a fantasy thing,” Pattinson explains. “And when you set one parameter from first movie that the only thing he cares about is being in love with Bella, then for the rest of the movies, you say, ‘He’s never going to break up with her.’ So what else is there to think about? He’s never going to get hurt by anything, and he’s never going to have an argument with Bella. He has no other emotional relevance other than his family dying, which is only a risk at the end. So, yeah, it becomes quite difficult. The only thing that you can play is his self-doubt. And it’s not how it is in the book, where Edward is charming and he’s pretty happy-go-lucky. I didn’t understand how to play that in the movie…how can you be happy-go-lucky and tortured at the same time? That does’t make any sense,” argues Pattinson, whose arthouse roles between Twilight gigs have met with little success, including Cosmopolis, Bel Ami and Little Ashes. Only when gazing deep into Reese Witherspoon’s eyes in Water for Elephants did he generate the box office heat that he’s grown accustomed to as his icy Twilight alter-ego. Today, Pattinson is looking to a bright, post-Twilight future, signing up for a slew of projects, including co-starring with Guy Pearce in David Michod’s Animal Kingdom follow-up, The Rover; the thriller, Mission: Blacklist; Werner Herzog’s romantic biography, Queen of the Desert, with Naomi Watts; and James Marsh’s thriller, Hold On To Me, with Carey Mulligan.

Pattinson hold up James Franco as a model for how he’d like to handle his own public perception, namely by granting confusing interviews. “People don’t really know who I am, which is a good thing,” the actor laughs. “My actual personality differs from Edward so much that people can’t really get it or place it. If you have a massive over-saturation of your image everywhere, all you can really do is dissipate it – you diffuse everybody’s idea of you. You might, for instance, do an interview where you completely contradict everything that you said on the last interview, and behave like a totally different person. Then everybody’s like, ‘I have no idea,’ That’s the only way that you can do it, because that’s the only way that you can believable in your movies afterwards. That’s what every actor has to deal with – that mix between public perception and your actual character. They’re looking through the eyes of your life as a performance; so they have to look through that, and then the performance you’re actually doing.”


Rob Interview with (Australia)

The 26-year-old Briton is banking on a soul-tempering pilgrimage to the world’s most arid desert regions – first the Australian Outback then the Middle East – to free him from Edward Cullen’s immortal curse.

After five films shot in Twilight’s netherworld, the softly spoken Pattinson is keen to immerse himself in material that is a little, well, earthier.

Futuristic thriller The Rover, which starts shooting in South Australia in January, and Mission: Blacklist, based on the true story of US Army interrogator Eric Maddox, would appear to fit the bill.

In Sydney for a fan-oriented event to promote Breaking Dawn – Part 2, Pattinson identified the limitations of playing the same character over and over as the thing he will miss least about the phenomenally successful vampire franchise that catapulted him to stardom.

“Because (Edward) is kind of in stasis, it’s difficult to play after a while,” Pattinson says.

“You do five movies where your whole motivation is this relationship and it’s never, ever going to change.

“You don’t die. And you don’t get hurt. And you don’t age. So you are kind of stuck.

“It’s nerve-racking when you go into the fifth movie. You’re thinking, ‘I don’t know what else to do’. You have nowhere to go!”

Thankfully, the introduction of Bella and Edward’s child, Renesmee, in Part 2 gave him something to work with.

“That was fun. And also a bit odd. Edward is supposed to be 110 years old, so you are not really playing a young dad. You are already a grandfather or something,” Pattinson says.

The actor enjoyed working with Mackenzie Foy, almost 12, who plays his fast-maturing vampire child. But it was the anarchy of the infant performers that added some fresh blood.

“Because all the vampires are very stylised in their performance, as soon as you get a baby involved, it shakes everybody up.”

Pattinson also experienced a bit of dramatic fatherhood in Water For Elephants. But he says the real thing is not on his horizon.

In fact, the idea hadn’t even occurred to him until recently, when “a bunch” of his friends started having children.

“I guess 26 isn’t that young … I’ve always thought I am still a child.”

That’s the closest the conversation comes to the pachyderm in the room – Pattinson’s split and subsequent reunion with Kristen Stewart in the wake of her affair with Snow White and The Huntsman director Rupert Sanders.

This can be partly explained by good manners – Pattinson’s. Since the actor gives the impression of being a well brought-up young man, somewhat embarrassed by the hype that surrounds his every move, puncturing his British reserve with such an intrusive line of questioning would seem unforgivably brash.

Of course, the influence of a number of hovering minders – who have promised to shut down the interview should it veer anywhere near relationship territory – isn’t to be underestimated.

In response to internet chatter about the possibility of a Twilight spin-off, Pattinson hedges his bets.

“Who knows? I keep hearing things – from the studio as well.”

So he doesn’t rule out revisiting Edward Cullen?

“I don’t say ‘definitely not’ to anything – just in case.”

Still, one senses his comments come more from a desire to be diplomatic than any real inclination to milk the franchise further.

When asked what he will miss most when he leaves the Twilight world behind, he says: “I’m not sure yet. It feels very familiar now. Even promoting them and stuff, having all the girls screaming. It’s like being part of a boy band and going solo afterwards.”

Pattinson has already set about repositioning himself as a versatile leading man in films such as Water For Elephants and Bel Ami.

But it was the reviews for David Cronenberg’s weird urban odyssey Cosmopolis that finally lent him some serious, arthouse credibility.

Post Breaking Dawn – Part 2, Pattinson has a slate of films lined up to consolidate on the work he has put into proving he is no one-character wonder. In fact, he is juggling seven features.

“I don’t understand how it’s going to happen. I am shuffling them around as we speak.”

Already in the starting gates is The Rover, director David Michod’s hotly anticipated follow-up to Animal Kingdom, in which Pattinson appears alongside Guy Pearce.

Filming on Mission: Blacklist, has been delayed by director Jean-St aacphane Sauvaire’s decision to travel to Iraq to cast real prisoners.

Pattinson insists he has no grand plan for his future.

“I got lucky this year with a bunch of stuff that is all over the place.”

But luck is only part of the equation.

Michod put him through a rigorous audition process for The Rover, something for which Pattinson is grateful.

“I hate it when you are just given a part. I am constantly second-guessing myself afterwards: ‘Are they doing this for the financing?'”

Pattinson did two separate auditions, both more than three hours in duration.

“I was thinking I must have got it. Then I met a bunch of other actors and they were like, ‘Oh, that Michod, he keeps you at his house for hours’. That made me lose all my confidence. So I was really shocked when I got it.”

Pattinson might still have a long way to go to escape the long reach of Cullen’s shadow, but at least he can be fairly confident he is heading in the right direction.